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  • #disc_golf #fav #sokai #training | ref: Layout I have 10 cones set-up on a grid system. The rows are 100, 150, 200, and 250 feet away from the throwing area. The rows that are 100 and 200 feet away have cones set 50 and 100 feet out from the center. Exercise The image really explains it all. The goal is to practice your upshot/teebox accuracy. • Straight throws are not meant to flex as the goal is to develop a dead straight, extremely accurate straight shot. • When throwing to cones 6 – 9 I the general goal is to try to have the disc pass between cones 2 and 3 then hyzer/anhyzer to the cones. • I use a number randomizer to decide what order I throw in. Edit: Check out the comment by u/lampshade4ever for another good practice method. Items Needed 100 ft Measuring tape I use Cones I use Other Notes Basically, I’m pretty bad at disc golf and am just playing with putters and mids for January and February. I try to do field work at least once a week and came up with this exercise to focus on my upshot game and accuracy. The goal for me is to get as close to each cone as possible and to figure out which discs/how I’m going to throw each shot. In addition, this helps show what tendencies you have when you are throwing similar shots over and over For example, my common weaknesses are: • Accuracy on the backhand anyhzer shot going to cones 4 and 9 • Having a tendency to undershoot and land southeast of cones 5 and 6. • Accuracy going to cone 10 I hope you potentially get some use out of this!

